Sunday, April 22, 2012

Final Paper

“The Dilettantes Abundance of Good” or “Some such Foolish Journey”
By James Kushman
I’m going to take for granted that you have discovered by now that Romance is living abundantly and that the common popular assumed definition of Romance is only in reference to its novelty: similar to referring to the clothes of a human as its exterior. But how to live abundantly? It’s a rather wanting question is it not? I’m so very bored with the beginning middle and end of the usual essay-those stifling reads where it shouts like a child—”THIS IS WHAT I LEARNED!” No, it seems to me that if I’m going to write about what it means to live abundantly I’m going to have to make sure my writing is abundant as well.
            It is with no delight that I point out to the skimmer and the skeptic that I am in fact a leach of Heinrich Zimmer. But what I believe we shall all find (and in no way am I going to help you with this) is that Zimmer himself is leaching as well. And what do I mean by a leach? Well Zimmer is stealing stories of course! This German professor is no other than a reincarnation of Scheherazade and whether or not you would like to admit it, whether you are a man, woman, middlesex, or a poltergeist, you have been reigning as a king, taking a new woman every night; wedding, bedding, and beheading her too.
            Now shame on all you hypocritical feminists pointing out all the misogynistic qualities of the king: you missed the point. And you missed the point because you wanted to miss the point. Creativity takes a fair bit of destruction to come about and the intellect-bogged theories of modern man see no reason in humbling themselves to things that have no reason. And that sentence will either make all the sense in the world to you or its vortex of dissolution will stop you dead in your raggedy slippers.

.           .           .
            By the end of Zimmer’s King and the Corpse it will be readily apparent to you that destruction was somewhat of a focal point throughout all of the stories. The subtitle “ Tales of The Soul’s Conquest of Evil” (If you had even noticed) might even have provided you with some sort of extended peripheral vision in which you sensed some blind intimation of a clandestine ending. If you are like me, which through all your dissimilarities you are, upon finishing the book you swore loudly several times and realized that this book had far more to do with the times then you thought. For once you actually need to reread the book. You hadn’t paid attention. You’d not read close enough. And while these are all true of all of us, the ending of the book will not provide that clandestine feeling in its end. That subtle intimation you have will continue to grow, and you will quite possibly and probably begin noticing its flicker in other texts, other events, but your clever self will have tricked you into longing and wanting of an end that does not exist. That intimation is a perpetual place of beginning. This book is an initiation—a going in—in which “even the advanced reader must inevitably discover, time and again, that he is still but a beginner, the following essays are intended for him” (Zimmer, 6). And so is mine it seems.
You can put your philosophy books down. You can season your reason in the recycling, and if you are still one of the humans capable of reading fairytales then it would seem you already have a grasp of some of the non-rational qualities swirling around in you. If I have insulted the few of you who have become so identified with your intellect (and believe you me, there is still times when I eat the cake) I would ask that you humble yourselves. Yet, sadly, modern man’s intellects plays the trick of ambiqueuating  [yes I made it up] humility to such a point that it’s prideful nature projects like a shadow its own humility onto the other. The Who? The sniveling voice in your head—which we will get to later.
            Zimmer (or perhaps it’s the man behind the curtain—Joseph Campbell) starts his story within a story with “Abu Kasem’s Slippers”; a story set apart from all the other stories in that it, in and of itself, has no upliftment. A greedy Abu, we find that the old miser, never, ever, ever gives anything back. Zimmer’s psychological induction begins with this tall tale of avarice and greed. If anyone has seen the pop culture blockbuster, Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, they will remember Michael Douglas saying how Greed is good. And certainly that is the depiction we gain of what we, as college students, have begun to be programmed to call the “real world.”
            A pique of interest for the mythologically inclined intuitive would be the symbolism of the painting of Cronus—the titan god of time—greedily devouring his children so that he may not be usurped. A picture that meets its tragic end to the hands of its usurped owner-a parallel depiction of Abu Kasem’s karma building up in time and unleashing upon him. But to read into the symbolism of a Hollywood movie—is this acceptable? Can you do this? I do so delightfully. Hollywood films are the fairy tales of our day. The independent films are to the present day what Latin literature was to the medieval world.
USELESS SCHOLARLY FACT #1: In medieval times serious literature was written in Latin, while the popular tales were written in the common language, Roman. The focus of love often being the center of these tales, and also the tales being written in Roman, Romance (“to speak in Roman”) became down the synthetic pole the language of love. No longer was it to speak in Roman, but to speak in love.
            As for a straggling Arabic tale about Greed, what does it have to do with Romance? Abu lives a disharmonious life. “[H]e endures the blind fury of the powers of life in their unpacified, sheerly destructive aspect” because unlike anyone else who would have held a celebration in his honor, Abu decides to treat himself for his own luck (Zimmer, 35). Abu’s complete self-absorption in treating himself leads him to the unhealthy belief that the whole world beckons to him. The self-congratulations has convinced Abu that all his things “inseparable from his public character” are in fact because of his path in life (Zimmer, 9). This vanity, this inward narcissism encapsulates him in a nutshell, and he is forced to follow the path he has chosen to manifest. Abu may not get rid of his shoes; the material public reflection of who he is to everyone else,” has also become his inner manifestation. He has come to believe his shoes are his path—the outer image is him. And all his attempts to get rid of the shoes are null since he cannot drop the ideal he has consummated.
            “Abu Kasem’s Slippers” is perhaps the most important tale to be told in America if onlybecause it speaks to the own inner blindness we have crafted. And while a disharmony runs havoc in our lives we are to blind to see that our lack of response, our inability to humble our pride will keep walking us down a path toward complete self-destruction. And this is the narcissists path, a complete lethargy and destruction of every distraction, every echo, until your kneeling on your legs staring at an emptied image you never wanted to face. A Romance gone wrong, not a love of oneself, but a hatred. The soul’s conquest of evil can be nothing but a disharmonious venture in the lives of those who believe (and not necessarily think) who they are is the persona they project.
            So what is the Great Shaharazade Zimmer trying to tell us with his next double feature: “The Pagan Hero and The Christian Saint”? The double picture provides a mirror of its thematic in which we find that the Hero’s Adventure and the Christian Sinner’s rise to Sainthood by absolution of sin (and therein guilt) are one in the same—and both are the Soul’s conquest of evil.
            Depictions of consciousness provide seemingly dissimilarities between the two stories, but there is also the dissimilarities of the approach of the path, which is of course shaped by the level of consciousness given to the protagonist. About both tales is the integration of experience, but the level of innocence is stressed much higher for the Pagan Hero then it is for the Christian Saint.
            Often called Christ consciousness or Krishna consciousness, both protagonists are in search of this, though Conn-eda is unaware and thus unconsciously seeking it, while the Christian Saint is controlled from the very beginning by his conscious, though his conscious unawares to him is being led by the pope, who in turn is attempting to obtain the absolution of a poltergeist. The “geist” or ghost has an oddly creepy similarity to the “geis” or conditions that Conn-eda must achieve in his adventure.  Conscious choice only arises for Conn-eda when he must follow against his own principles and slay his horse. But even then any guilt on Conn-eda ‘s part is taken away as a force beyond him plunges the knife.
            This action is the effacement of morals, the humility to let go of the conscious principles that govern your life so as to listen to  your own intuition—and thus find what true morality is. Had he not made the choice he would have suffered the same fact as Abu Kasem, cut off from the intuitive powers that could free him from the destructive manifesting cycles of a delusionary ideal of how things are. But instead of fleeing from his intuition like Abu Kasem and suffering the unimaginable effrontery of a mind disconnected from being, Conn-eda assimilates the destructive qualities that exist in his horse just the same as the all-healing abilities. Absorbing himself in the grief instead of suffering through the denial as Abu does with his missing slippers; instead of getting angry as Abu does countless times with his slippers; instead of bargaining for responsibility as Abu does with the judge; instead of falling through the depressing cycle of losing everything that holds with his principles—instead Conn’edda, accepting his grief, passes through the flaming towers to where the tree of life stands. He finds the fruit of Abundance and also the rejuvenation of part of his soul (and rightfully, from its unmasking).
            Destruction is itself a part of the harmony and it must be assimilated so that the disharmony does not begin. Harmony is always a constant beginning, or re-beginning. Disharmony is always an end in itself as we can see in the evil stepmother throwing herself to her death, or even, as I found out, in the absolution of the hell tortured poltergeist.
            The minute conscientious choice of the pagan tale (the stabbing of the horse) makes up the near entirety of the Christian story. Like a lousy philosopher writing an essay with the assumption you are aware of Badiou’s conception of the event, or the phenomenological implications of Husserl, the Christian narrative promotes the assumption that all the unconscious, all the separate modes of consciousness in the pagan tale can be fully realized without being mentioned (or so it would seem).
            “Whereas the pagan hero was sent on the path of adventure accidentally, in ignorance and by inadvertence, John has been moved by his own conscious sense of a personal insufficiency.”  Which translates basely as the Christian Saint falls conscientiously. Hermit’s (as this is the self-forced trail of John’s) are a strange species of Psyche. They literally wear chains of their own psychological crafting about themselves. Something in their education has them at a loss for the ability to exist amongst their society. And so like a fast, they banish themselves to the dessert, or to the woods, so that they may seek out their answers. Think of John as an Abu Kasem with the awareness of all his responsibilities, yet still stuck in the ideal which makes his view of the world timeless—and his banishment thus forever.
            Temptation is brought and made manifest to him in the form of a woman. And like an egotistical man thinking only of his image and how his principles apply to his thoughts, he attempts the out of sight out of mind trick by pushing the woman into his unconscious abyss. Yet this repression only feeds the temptation until his very thoughts and stature as a human are bypassed and he becomes as Conn-edda’s horse, an animal.
            [H]e discovers the ultimate depths of the devilishness within him, and dons the mask of the loathsome beast that he has found himself to be. The priestly habit rots, the saintly hermitage becomes a weird monster’s den. John keeps to the filthy, brute existence until the higher forces speak to him once more with a convincingness equal to that of the revelation at the time of his first mass” (Zimmer, 65).
The revelation of the poison of temporal possessions to the soul was equaled with the revelation of mental idolatry, or idealatry.  Thought is consciousness, but it is only a form. So compelled by his own thought John is always reacting compulsively and then resolving to such realizations as “God certainly will avenge this terrible sin on me forever!” Thus John is the most fun type of narcissist (to me); one not obsessed with his good looks, or his things, but his thoughts. Polter, from poltergeist, stands for an auditory hallucination. And it certainly took John going through these conditions, or geists, before he could overcome his own reflective thoughts in the pool and glisten to the soft Echoes of his own un-absolved soul.
            And I will just end it here, without a reason or a good ending. I don’t mind. Find your own way.  If Zimmer can introduce Morte D’Arthur for his own fulfillment it seems I too can foolishly and delightfully cut from the traditional essaic fulfillment of a conclusion, an end, an analyst’s reductive closure of his final

Zimmer, Heinrich. The King And The Corpse: "Tales of The Soul's Conquest of Evil". 2nd ed. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1948. Print.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Ambivalence Toward Owain

some People get lions
for their totem animals.
I got a wood rat.

Sati, Shiva, and the importance of Kindness

Sometimes a dinner
invite means the whole world and
no one notices

Questioning Shiva's Sexuality

Parvati is a
perverted form...does this
make Shiva kinky?

On When the Guy Gives Flowers For His Bad Actions and Expects some Tremendous Transformation and Indulgence

Rose petals and ass
holes didn't translate well from
romance to realism

A Fool Looking at Foolishness Foolishly

"Romance Stories can
all be broken down into
bad jokes about sex

But not all sex can
be synthesized into a
romantic story"

(This is where you should
go about making a joke
about my sex life)

The Sword Bridge

Such a little Prick

....Better than the flood....

The Sash Condolence Prize of Sir Gawain

Karma for thinking
that the desire of life is
actually living

Defining Darma

Finding out that what
you thought was bad karma is
your soul reacting

Possessive-destructive Maya

(1) possesses the gods
into being (2) creates mayhem
(3) possesses young girls.

Egotistical Brahma

believes he is good AND thinks
he creates mayhem.

Destructive Lifestyle

I'm Positive that
Sati and Shiva lead a
destructive lovestyle

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Short pondering towards the Process to complicated to explain

Perhaps the reason behind the unexplained process being unexplainable is that the finishing, or fulfillment of the process is the freedom from want/ or need of explanation.

From a skewed vision of this perspective the process itself is one that defies systematization-not out of sheer defiance or snobbery-but because the process has a transcendental quality in which reason (discernment) is bypassed in the surface of becoming free.

While this may seem contradictory, i believe that it is only a contradiction of our basics assumption and notions that have been philosophized into our society. If this is so, then thought itself is a theory that, as we've done the math so to speak, boils down to "the process to complicated to explain"  being the remainder; The extra number dragging out that disallows x from equaling zero, creating a constant repeating decimal to infinity. We approach the situation with this discernment and what we do is create a never ending remainder that continues until the end of time-but this is not to say that when something is decided it cannot be taken back. In fact the letting go of a though itself seems to be the dropping of a created process to complicated to explain. Time itself is as allusive as the Process to complicated to explain; and an escape from (a) time would and is the same thing as transcending the process. But how do we get there? Perhaps the problem is always trying to approach a situation, instead of always being the moment.  Perhaps we are creating the problems by always comprehending things and thus becoming apprehensive of the similarity of repetitions in events-when instead we could find solace in just enjoying the moment-being present. Maybe then the realization manifests that we know what to do because we always knew how to react. In the present, everything is always beginning.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Intolerance and Delight: Prose of Experience

"One of the roots from which these chapters grew was an abandoned essay on the Waverley novels of Scott. The home i was brought up in possessed a good edition of the Waverley novels, and I had, I think, read them all in early life, with utter fascination. Some years later, at college, Guy Mannering was on a course and I reread it, but i had entered the age of intolerance by then, and Guy Mannering now seemed to me only a clumsy and faked narrative with wooden characters and an abominable style. I read Scott as little as possible though my earlier professional life..."-Frye, The Secular Scriptures, Pg. 5

An intolerance for romances (as in the stories) seems to be bread into us by our critical scopes (so wanting in our generation) which leads to an either/or argument as to whether Romance is indeed as blocky and unreal as our analysis shows or whether possibly our critical scopes are negatively reductive--but due to the popularity of its unrecognized hypocrisy, it is incapable of realizing its own ignorance which sees only errors where errors "should be". (Error being another way of saying how, when we look at a certain situation in a romance story, we correct it to how "real life is"). Holisticily this error (and reductively-these errors), our responses, actions, or devolvement of plots need not be. But, for the development of "critical skills" they must be present,  and if they are not present, two options appear: the criticalist finds the error in these happy tales; or b, the story, having not even the possibility of error, is tossed aside angrily since it could not provide even an ounce of intellectual stimulation.

If either of these are the case it would seem the academic has not really learned how to read, or even how to enjoy reading. They have learned to mistake their spectacles for their eyes and to read their brain instead of the book. When a person finds they no longer take delight in romances--they have not reached some level of maturity--far from it. They have placed a veil of ignorance, a spectacle of illusions in front of their eyes, and, having willingly given up the World, they allow a self-fulfilling brain washing to overtake them in which the skewed vision of their spectacles construct another world--their world---their matrix--which they are incapable of escaping until the constructions inevitably fall from the extroverted pressure of keeping things at bay and the introverted pressure of all those things suppressed and imprisoned cause a break (which, as we have seen, sometimes comes as laughter). What is it then about these critical skills of analysis that upon our departure from the institution leave us skepticists, cynical and devoid of wisdom, incapable of intuition (which is commonly and erroneously referred to as "speculation")?

It is as simple as realizing that reading stories is, was, and never should be considered "work" or a serious "business". Stories are about delight; a letting go of intellectual contraceptives so that we may feel the words (not the cold clammy sheath of plastic protection) from something so potent and enjoyable that our lives might give birth to something. It is fear of being forever changed that clings in the shadowed peripherals of the institutions place-dependent memories. It is this fear which directs the conversations like shrubs and trees lining a well worn path. The seriousness of stories is that they provide a contradiction to work, to seriousness. They provide play. Any society that attempts to rob the artists of his playground will find the inevitability of children not wanting to play, becoming fat, stagnant. Soon their school work is effected. We look down on them. And soon enough we take recess away all together.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What is the Importance of Telling Stories that aren't even True?

What is the importance of telling stories that aren't even true? In our current culture's paradigm doesn't this question also need, albieit beg for an understanding of truth? And in such a "world" where truth is a relativity (which seeks to say that there is no absolute truth) are we not asking for an impossibility in answering the question? Or perhaps it is possible. Perhaps we have misused, perhaps mis-characterized Truth. Perhaps the relativism of truth we have discovered is correct, but the verdict in so deciding that this is the gist of truth is overlooking.

The relatvity is based in our conscoiusness--which is to say that the consciousness of truth is relative. It seems to me from experience that what we are describing as the relativity of truth is the persuasion of truth. Perhaps this is not readily apparent to you (or your reading self). I may have not persuaded you and thus you have chosen not to believe me. Perhaps this will act as a hint to you that what you believe commonly decides the truth of a matter for you.

Your beliefs are structures you have crafted or that have been crafted for you. Now I don't expect you to believe any part of my investigation and by now you may be asking yourself why I have placed you into the physician's chair, asking am I not supposed to be speaking of stories? Well what about you? I'm sure you have stories you tell-certain ones that have become well rehearsed. Certain ones on which you may or may not have become aware of yourself falling into a role as your words and body language play out the story. And is the story true? Has what happened changed or have you? The Truth of what happened which is what happened itself cannot change. The only thing that changes is your perception in the telling-which begs us ask whether or not there was any truth in your initial perception of the event when it played out in its present.

Now these are stories that you have clung too-that you have crafted and revised throughout your life. You have possibly always believed that these stories really happened. And you may even, and probably do identify with these stories. Yet as you tell them your identity changes-you switch into a role. And perhaps you find that you systematically identify with these roles-but are they you? And if you find that they aren't really you-just reductions of something much vaster-and if these stories you have collected around you begin to no longer hold validity as factual, and yet you have believed them to be true, what possibly could be the point of telling stories that are obviously not true? I'm guessing you've always believed (or in the gossipping case, disbelieved) those stories you tell about yourself or that have been told about you are true-but why the persuasion-why does the story seem to gain strength or "give you a name" as its power builds (and then perhaps weens, as your belief in them weens as well)? Is perhaps the obviousness of the non-truth behind these fake stories-these mythologies and folktales-is perhaps the obviousness of the non-truth behind them only the lack of the stories trying to persuade you to believe it is you? Perhaps Truth only flows from an identification of truth--one in which our perception is no longer playing roles and thus perceiving from that reductive perception. Just as the relativity of truth on a conscious level is a persuasion so to does it seem, to me, that our identities on a purely conscious level (which is to say conceptually) are also just persuasion-passing fashions. Truth is an identification. And whereas our world is subconsciously training us to believe that we are our iPhone and shoes and career and the boys or girls were fucking, it should seem entirely ludicrous and violent to propose that our identities are actually tied to such states instead of such objects.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Into the Fray

"A good deal has been said since then about the relation of language and silence, but real silence is the end of speech, not the stopping of it, and it is not until we have shared something of this last Sabbath vision in our greatest romance that we may begin to say that we have earned the right to silence."-Frye, 188 "You are going to die. Let it come over you. Let go of your thoughts. It is ok. it is ok. Let it come over you." or so paraphrased are the words of Liam Neeson in his new film "The Grey." I seem to have an enormous mental block for approaching romance in the way Dr. Sexson has asked us to approach it (which isn't very uncommon, now is it Sexson?). Whereas he has been asking us to look at the conventions of romance as they exist in naive and sentimental romance stories, I cannot help but find the tendrils of romance in every existing story I see. I hope all of my peers, as well as Sexson, will oblige me as I think it will be quite useful for our imagination if we look at the way romance lingers, that is affects the other seasons of writing. As we have noticed in Romance, there is the immediate ability for confrontation to be introduced anywhere, as well as repetitively, and we have also noticed that resolution may be done instantaneously no matter the conglomeration of loose ends that need tying up. Yet, tragedies, those gems, also contain romance. Either perhaps inverted, or unfulfilled, we don't refer to the romantic thematics underlying the story because they are a mystery to us, and it is the very mystery of the romance that causes the tragedy since we are unaware of romance at work. The titanic was a romantic image of the western ideal, and so when a movie was made about it, the story tellers focused on the love affair of a lowly man and an upper class woman (ever noticed the connection?). This is done because the titanic, while a tragic happening, is only so marked because of the event happening during the great transcontinental victory of mankind. It is only tragic because of humanities romanticization of its own miraculous achievements. Now,If anyone has read enough tragedy they will tell you that you are being deceived. And rightly, we are. That is the beauty of imaginative literature. It is a deception. A fiction. An artificial. And just as we need the gift of dionysus to help us ease away when our lives augment passed our control, so do our minds need good hearted dishonesty. Certainly all of the Romances we have read so far we could group under the title of dishonest, could we not? Yet a beuaty and a plurosis of spirit happens from our reading of them (and for those of you who hate happy endings, I believe you will find that that effect of kenosis, or emptying out, is actually a progression towards a pleurosis). These effects of beauty and filling or emptying out of the soul are not actually affected by the overused conventions. They are in fact part of the overused conventions. Yet, we being of a different time often finding ourselves upset over the politics and civilities that exist in these romances. The virginity of the woman being a bartering chip might upset us, or the fact that in order for it to be a romance it has to end with an elevation of status. It has become the progression of our society to fixate on these things, and it seems to me that it often comes at the cost of the story. Professor's have to say such silly things as the "moral is the story" becuase we have become so reductive (partially because of our instruction) in our thinking that we cannot overhear the message of the story. Perhaps this has to do with a modern novel expounding in a fifty page chapter what the Arabian Nights will merely accept and say as "he loved her, and she loved him". THe mind is a scary place, and with the current popularity of the novel begin a vessel in understanding the inner workings of the psyche as it works in the characters, a division in the distintction of stories has been crafted. For Example, Each of Ovid's myths in his metamorphoses is a psychological event", The moral is the story". THis goes for all the ancient collection of secular bibliotech's which we are sampling from. The stories are set down in memorable, and often short episodes, which are easily remembered and influential upon the readers. It seems with the rise of the novel humanity has been attempting to imaginatively weave together all the disassociated episodes together in a more likely verisimilitude, or reality. And perhaps this is why their has not been any "great" romance novels as of late. THat is except, as i believe, and Ashley incitefully states, Lolita. I'm sure you will disagree as we all have those romances we know which touch our hearts and fill us up. In fact I believe you will notice that lots of the novelists and writers over the past few hundred years have been suffers of mental illness, nervousness, and suicide. Wolf, Jarrell, Thompson, Hemmmingway, Kerouac, Wallace, Crane, etc. etc. etc. the lsit goes on and on. And seems that the pull of the novel to weave these episodes in a beautiful method often has a sacrificial nature on these secular writers who attempt to pull these things together. Sexson early mentioned on "the book of virtues" that was authorized by a man who had quite a "vicious" life during its writing. America herself, while claiming to be the beacon of a new world and democary for all is acting quite different in her actions with comparison to her ideals. But perhaps this is just part of her Romance? We, students, have been called the prozac nation. We are often defined as the age of anxiety. And perhaps this depression our country is struggling through is merely the last gap, perhaps it is a piracy, a robbing, a willful deception of ourselves, an anxious awaiting of apprehension for our chloe (or daphnis), a final emptying out of all things that will hold us back--so that we may find that all the struggles we've been forced to endure were merely the progressive work of pleurosis so that we might have that great romance. That beautiful silence. You are going to die. Let it come over you. let go of your thoughts. it is ok.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

On The Romantic Swerve

"Men are governed by intelligence, women by swerves of emotion." Now women please do not succumb to a misandric induction in which you find this quotation (and myself) to be misogynistic. What I would like you to do is spend your attention instead focusing on the most important word inside this quotation: swerve. Sexson, in one of his rhetorical gambles (you will notice as class goes on that his storytelling is not merely a reiteration of other's stories, but that he turns his class [the students, himself, the stories, the man behind the curtain] into a story in which all the lectures are episodes in a romance in which you shall find...but I shouldn't tell you that) he gave me a book entitled Rereading Frye and to pay special attention to the chapter entitled Frye and The Art of Memory. Rereading gives off a funny simile since the art of memory is in fact the art of re collection. Every time you re read a story it becomes more fully remembered, more fully understood. Now, and I hope to not lose you here, we come to believe something when our experience tells us that "it" is true. The more often this experience repeats itself the more ingrained the belief becomes. Add to that that a thought is the firing off of its particular receptor in the brain and we can see that grooves begin to form inside the brain. If we are a vessel then let us become a vehicle, a truck. There is roads you've never been on (that untrodden path), and there are dirt roads, and there are icy roads, and there are short cuts you've learned in traffic for certain times of the day, and there are traffic jams, and there are also roads that have been cut like valleys into the mountains. Belief's then, would be those valleys, these, Hamlets. While I am of course referring to Hamlet the play by Shakespeare (which we will not even bother exploring in this blog, or tyrade as Leubner prefers to describe my style) it is the definition of Hamlet that I would like to get into. A Hamlet is a small village inside of a valley (and those character's that makes up that fiction you call an "I" is the villagers). Stories, unlike our natural experiences, are artificial. Art is certainly derived from artificial (or perhaps the other way around) but the reason we have never been able to define what art is, is because art never exists purely in the is state. We can certainly use is to describe what state art exists in though. Art is a process. Art is being, but it is distinct from a "life" being. I do not say "natural being" because the process of art in its final culmination seeks to place us back into the state of natural being, back into "life" being. Yet, we have fallen into quite a conundrum in which our lives begin imitating the art around us. Certainly after reading a novel or a poem you have an eerie feeling of events in your live synchronizing to the literature you've been reading? (and if not I pity your lack of imagination). And there are those books where you have finished them and you literally feel changed. To change is a successful process of art- a full revolution in which you picked up something that was not "real" and through your reading of this artificial substance you gained an experience. Yet the artificial experience is much different from those we experience in living, but only in its reflexion of process. For art, you go about learning everything from the experience before it is experienced so that when you reach the point of experiencing it you have already undergone the (often times painful) knowledge of what is going on. Whereas in life, when our innocence breaks because of this new experience (since their has been no artificial supplement) we are forced to painfully learn about the experience as it sheds its light in the darkness (so to speak poetically). Now you may be asking yourself (and you should be) what happens when someone becomes stuck in the artificial state of existence? This is your state. This is the whole state of the world. Sexson made that statement that life imitates art far more often then art imitates life. What does it mean then to be stuck in an artificial being- to be living a life in imitation of art? This is what Bloom calls the anxiety of influence. Bloom? Where the hell did he come from? I think it would be beneficial for everyone who does not know of this critic to hear a little about him, but it is necessity for all those who have. Bloom is the most well-known successor of Northop Frye's criticism and theory, and because of his genius he is reviled by most everyone. In Sexson's lecture earlier he commented on how you could not take notes on Frye- "it's impossible." He went on to speak about Frye having a dialectic in his writing. This is true. The dialectic is the romantic relation between him and literature, and this is directed to his audeince by his rhetorical style, the lecture. Without you ever knowing or needing to know it you are being placed into his structure-consumed into his intuitions because the act of reading it is as much a tool of his as understanding the structures specifically. You needn't necessarily understand him deductively, and very possibly you can't fully. This is because the structure is your thought. This is much different then the way most academic books are put together with their horribly abysmal writing merely placed their to lead the reader crudely to the formulas they must memorize! Bloom is his opposite, but to provide distinction of what he does based on my description of Frye would involve me creating tropes that are far to removed from Bloom to provide a clear picture of what he does. Frye is uplifting and kind. Bloom is degrading and often times apparently malevolent. But Bloom is the eliptical side of Frye's structure. Whereas Frye goes about explaining things in a seemingly deductive manner (wherein his deductive steps are made from inductions- similar to the logic of Descartes Meditations. i.e. I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am) Bloom attempts to explain the intuitive, the inductive steps of the structure. You may be asking yourself, and this is our culture's state, "How the FUCK do you explain intuition?" and in your question lies the answer. That Fuck, that placement of a vague (and do not think ambiqious) definition is in fact you emoting something. We live in a culture which while literate on a certain level, it is only high enough so that they can serve the community. To be highly literate is to be an individual. You can see this with your friends who makes the oddest commonsensical errors because they have neither the vocabulary nor the perception to explain phenomena's they see around them (and these almost always cause habitual acts of error in their lives). The rise of literacy and the extreme output of knowledge that began happening because of the printing press and the advancement in fields of knowledge in the ensuing centuries caused people to know so many fields of knowledge, but so very little depths in each, to the end point that people did (do) not even know if they knew (know) what they were (are) talking about; at which point they attempt to "emote" in place of their lacking depth. So when you respond what the fuck? to my statement that Bloom attempts to explain the intuitive side of Frye's structure, you are emoting what you would like to say, and if, possibly only because it has become engrained into your vocabulary; a traditional and habitual response (slightly less ingrained then that of a belief). Emotion plays an enormous role in Bloom's Theory which is the Anxiety of Influence. The anxiety of influence is poetry. That statement is descriptive as well as metaphorical, more distincticly it is tropological because of his intense tautology which finds connection in everything. He defines literary criticism as understanding the hidden pathways between literature. In that statement, and in his theory, we can see a synchronisity that connects everything. Certainly that is what intuition schematically could be called? when you intuite something it is often epiphantically and you have no idea how you've done it or how to explain to another since the steps you went by are unfounded in the current philosophy of analysis. Bloom never states that he is explaining intuition, nor that it is the elliptic of Frye's structure. Instead he goes about explaining how poems are in conversation with other poems constantly (poem being a trope again). It is through six swerves, based upon Lucretius's clinamen, that a poem responds to another poem. You will remember from the first lecture of class Sexson speaking of The Satanic Verses by Rushdie in which the two men are falling to earth. He remarks that similar to their fall Lucretius describes our existence as atoms falling to which a swerve happens giving us meaning, and more disctincly being. He will go on to remark that the two gentleman falling are Ovid and Lucretius having a discussion. Similarly we have a discussion, a dialectic that exists within Bloom's writing between himself and his great precursor Northrop Frye. Bloom describes his anxiety of influence as an age of drowning in which we have existed since Shakespeare, and that very likely existed an age of generous influence beforehand. The anxiety of Influence is caused by the aspirations, the agony, the competition of new poets to battle againsts their precursors, beginning with Milton attempting to dethrone Shakespeare. Time does not exist in poetry (and you should begin to realize by now that if we become stuck in habitual actions we know not of, then we are prisoners of a time before). since time does not exist in poetry every poet since Shakespeare is in constant battle with shakespeare. This competetition creates an anxiety which is only won through agony (agony coming from agon, meaning a competition, i.e. a dialectic). Bloom goes out of his way to receptively explain to you that you cannot escape from this anxiety. He does this because he wishes to influence you. You can either accept what he says and drown (in the ocean of streams of stoires), at which point you will have failed to learn from the experience, or you can understand that he is inspiring you- inspiring being another word for influencing. Whereas Frye immediately integrates you into his structure without your acknowledgement, showing you the deductive steps (that is the points, the mandalas, the archetypes), Bloom goes out of his way to influence you into a competition in which you are trying to break into his structure. And certainly you cannot ever escape from the anxiety of influence since when you do that you has been forever changed from what it was. And this is where it gets painful. Bloom is purposefully degrading since his style is demonic. Frye's is angelic or full of ascent, leading you as you are from point to point on the structure. Bloom's style is that of descent wherein he provokes all repressed emotions that cause you to be incapble of seeing the inductive structure. You're repressed emotions are embedded as memories/images that prescribe an emotional response if the experience has not been fully acknowledged, learned, and understood to be an incorrect analysis. This is certainly why it is an agon, an agony, since in order to see, as in to think this way, you have to be purged of error (error being those hamlet's in which your minds processes travel). it is this anxiety bloom wishes to help you escape from, but because of his style (and because it was the only way) he goes by a way of damning you on all the literary modes of his eloquence save one. that of sublimity (which i will return to later when i explain the female swerve of emotion). The anxiety of influence is the state of being stuck in an artificial being- a state in which life is stuck imitating art- that is telling and retelling the story, like horatio, incapable of making that mysterious mental maneuver that would jettison us from defining ourselves by the stories we tell (belief being those stories we continually tell, and retell only to ourselves. So what's the use in telling stories that aren't even true? To help to escape from living lives that are only an imitation of life. it is through freeing the village people in the Hamlet's that this is done. And you will think yourself mad as you do it. only to find that the feeling of lunacy was true reality pulling you from your wanted maddness. To be continued.... but really i'll probably find something better to do.

The Anatomy of Atheory

1. The Seasons are the anatomy of life. Spring being where things grow-spiral- where people become inspired/influenced. Where Romance begins. Where the swerve begins. 2. Anatomy implies structure. 3. Structures involve construction of real and false (artificial) structures. 4. Construction then involves/allows/and for complex structure-needs deconstruction of the artificial structures. 5. In thought deconstruction is negation--antithesis thinking to the current thesis in question. This works out errors in the thesis structure by pointing out the artificial procedure. 6. To work out error meaning ot bring to light/i.e. by comprehension/apprehension/perception/awareness. 7. comprehensive is deductive/is structure/ is constructive. 8. Apprehension is inductive; which is to say an intuition. 9. Current critical analysis knows not how to escape from the dead end of deductive reasoning. 10. This is a good thing if we are aware of it. 11. analysis is deductive. 12. inductive is synthetic. 13. intuition is a synthesis then. 14. Negation is always a forward progress (forward being movement, backward being movement also, linear being a contextual construct of history). 15. This means negation is kinetic. 16. Deductive reasoning (in its end) is stasis. 17. Negation builds to and from stasis causing static. 18. Influence is antithesis thinking/elliptical/it is argument/dialectic with its influence. 19. The anatomy of influence involves a starting point for the inspiration. 20.Inspiration is enthusiasm/theos being to be possessed by a "god". 21. In the imagination, which draws from images, which memory is, we become influenced by the muses (mnemosyne being memory-mother of the muses). 22. Memories are always formed from our perceptions. 23. Our perception is our level of awareness. 24. Our awareness is controlled by our registration. 25. When humans are narcissistic (we all are) we project and register errors in ourselves upon what we realize in the outside world. 26. Realization is our mind applying our imagination. Realization is verisimilitude of what our minds is in the process of romanticizing. 27. Therefore when our aspiration is in a dialectic with its influence it is forced through this antithesis to bring to light its own errors upon the vision of the image/memory evoked by the muse. 27.1 these errors are the false projections of reality caused by the emotional control/the narcissistic control of realistic registration. 27.2 False projections are artificial projections. 28. This is how the mind changes itself. 29. This is the procedure called art. 30. by placing a coherent proceudre whereby the anatomy of melancholy (narcistic emotions that craft our romances) with the anatomy of influence exist as the swerves that make up our intuitions, we can supply the inductive/kinetic energy/steps that lead to the deductive structure in Northrop Frye's Anatomy of Criticism-Thereby creating the Anatomy of Atheory--that is to say the imaginitive universe-a complete artificial memory in which all the false paths in theories can be critiqued to its correct path. 31. The good news is there is an easier way to create the static.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Snake: Fragments

The swerve isn't a romantic idea, but the swerve is romance and love i suppose a very eloquent lemniscate. perhaps infinity is just a way of remaining fixed at a point by being in a perpetual motion of relapse. An infinity in hell has to feel different then an infinity in heaven though right? Love being rather heavenly equated and hate falling to the other. Perhaps I'm using tropes. Romance is a deception. Not to say it is a lie, and not to say it always isn't a lie. The swerve then is a deception, A negation. Does this then mean that Love is the greatest deception? and If we've gone beyond the duplicity of good and evil, then perhaps The Revelatory Satan chained in hell for all the eternity is a guiding light, a lucifer to be more apt. And I suppose duplicity is a negation, a useful generalization to show this concept or promote this aspect, a magician's slight of hand. a swerve then. And what is the swerve's cosmogony? I suppose ideas implant in spring, fruits eaten in summer, and the fall must be terrible. But where is the winter? Isn't the sunshine brightest reflected upon the snow? The swerve is cold. Cold blooded. It feeds off the sun. Apollo was the sun god. The greeks would pray to him for his healing power. Einstein is a familiar character. E=mc2. The sun is energy too. Apollo gave his gift of healing to Aesculipius. You see his mark upon the ambulance. he even had the power to raise the dead or so it goes. and he always carried a decorative cane. A baseball stadium is a garden, a garden being a walled in place. Human nature is the production of our language. Our language walls us in. the world is round. being is round. Bottom's dream had no bottom. Hamlet was stuck in a nutshell. the moon steals its pale fire from the sun. The Pale King, the king of the pale, he hangs himself. The Pale is beyond the boundary. Ophelia dies, drowning. Achilles is dipped into the water all the way up to his heel. Apollo leads the arrow that pierces his foot. The Swerve bites at the heel. The heel squashes the swerve. The Island and the Mountain are different degrees on the same point of the swerve. Infinity only the world twisted into a knot. Marriage is swerve, bearing a round ring before the breaking of the knot.