Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Anatomy of Atheory

1. The Seasons are the anatomy of life. Spring being where things grow-spiral- where people become inspired/influenced. Where Romance begins. Where the swerve begins. 2. Anatomy implies structure. 3. Structures involve construction of real and false (artificial) structures. 4. Construction then involves/allows/and for complex structure-needs deconstruction of the artificial structures. 5. In thought deconstruction is negation--antithesis thinking to the current thesis in question. This works out errors in the thesis structure by pointing out the artificial procedure. 6. To work out error meaning ot bring to light/i.e. by comprehension/apprehension/perception/awareness. 7. comprehensive is deductive/is structure/ is constructive. 8. Apprehension is inductive; which is to say an intuition. 9. Current critical analysis knows not how to escape from the dead end of deductive reasoning. 10. This is a good thing if we are aware of it. 11. analysis is deductive. 12. inductive is synthetic. 13. intuition is a synthesis then. 14. Negation is always a forward progress (forward being movement, backward being movement also, linear being a contextual construct of history). 15. This means negation is kinetic. 16. Deductive reasoning (in its end) is stasis. 17. Negation builds to and from stasis causing static. 18. Influence is antithesis thinking/elliptical/it is argument/dialectic with its influence. 19. The anatomy of influence involves a starting point for the inspiration. 20.Inspiration is enthusiasm/theos being to be possessed by a "god". 21. In the imagination, which draws from images, which memory is, we become influenced by the muses (mnemosyne being memory-mother of the muses). 22. Memories are always formed from our perceptions. 23. Our perception is our level of awareness. 24. Our awareness is controlled by our registration. 25. When humans are narcissistic (we all are) we project and register errors in ourselves upon what we realize in the outside world. 26. Realization is our mind applying our imagination. Realization is verisimilitude of what our minds is in the process of romanticizing. 27. Therefore when our aspiration is in a dialectic with its influence it is forced through this antithesis to bring to light its own errors upon the vision of the image/memory evoked by the muse. 27.1 these errors are the false projections of reality caused by the emotional control/the narcissistic control of realistic registration. 27.2 False projections are artificial projections. 28. This is how the mind changes itself. 29. This is the procedure called art. 30. by placing a coherent proceudre whereby the anatomy of melancholy (narcistic emotions that craft our romances) with the anatomy of influence exist as the swerves that make up our intuitions, we can supply the inductive/kinetic energy/steps that lead to the deductive structure in Northrop Frye's Anatomy of Criticism-Thereby creating the Anatomy of Atheory--that is to say the imaginitive universe-a complete artificial memory in which all the false paths in theories can be critiqued to its correct path. 31. The good news is there is an easier way to create the static.

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